Review of Samantha’s Nightgown!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my first AG review! I would do more reviews, but I don’t have a ton of AG stuff. Mostly I make new outfits for my dolls or buy them from less expensive company’s. (I do have a lot of GOTY Grace stuff, but since she is retired it would do no good to post a review)


American Girl Clothing DIY’s!!!

Hello everyone! I have had a few requests for this post and it has taken me a while to get up, so I decided to skip Paint and Pens and do this instead!

Fashionable Grace – A Photoshoot!

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to show you some neat pictures I took of Grace! I think they turned out so cool!

The Back to school Tag + BIBPC!

Hello everyone! I was tagged by Starling for this award!


  1. Thank the person who tagged you.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Post new questions (or rewrite the old questions)

Get ready for a lot of questions!

When was your first day of school? We started the third week of August.

Homeschooled, Public school, or private school? Homeschooled.

What grade are you going into? Well I just started 7th

What’s your favorite season to study in? Probably Winter!

How is school going to affect your blogging? Well, I won’t post every day, but that is pretty much it!

What is your favorite subject in school? Art and History!

Your least favorite? Probably Math and Science

What subject are you best at? Probably reading

What subject are you worst at? Math ugh

What extra curricular activity’s are you planning on doing this year? Well I do piano, and I am also in a Little Women Hospitality Group!

Do you play any sports in school? As I said above, I am homeschooled and no I don’t really play any sports!

Is there any way that blogging has helped your blogging skill now or in the past? I actually would have never started this blog had it not been for school!

How much time a day does school take you? Um, well I start at 8 then go till 10 (A.M. btw) I take a little break then start back up again at 1 and go till 3!

Are you looking forward to seeing more friends during the school year? Definitely!

 What are you most looking forward to this school year? I get to write a book this year for writing, so probably that!

What are your overall thoughts on school? A challenge, can be fun at times!

My Questions!

I mostly just rewrote all of the above questions but I did make a few new ones!

  1. When is/was you first day of school?
  2. Are you homeschooled or do you go to school?
  3. What extra activity’s will you be doing this school year?
  4. Will you play any sports?
  5. Favorite subject?
  6. Least favorite subject?
  7. Best subject?
  8. Worst subject?
  9. Are you looking forward to seeing more friends during this school year?
  10. What time do you have to wake up in order to do school on time?
  11. How much time does school take you to finish?
  12. What are your overall thoughts on school?








Have fun nominees!



Here is by BIBC entry:


Fresh from the garden!

(Grace picking tomato’s)




Hello everyone! Today I will be introducing….

Outdoor photoshoot with Grace!

Hello everyone! Today I decided to take a photoshoot with Grace! I think it turned out pretty cool!

Historical AG dolls at the Library??

Hello everyone! As you know this is a scheduled post and I am at camp!

So, the other day, I was at the library (We don’t often go their, we have a bookmobile that comes to our town) I immediately noticed some AG dolls on the top of a bookshelf. They were so cool! They had a lot of retired ones! I asked the librarian if I could take pictures of the dolls and she said yes! Hooray! Here are the pics: (sorry for the kind of bad quality of the photo’s, the bookshelf was higher then my head so it was sort of hard to take pics)




Felicity (in her gorgeous dress)




Marie Grace (I LOVE her hair)
Kit (in her realistic outfit)
The beautiful Maryellen

I read the sign and it says that people donated them to the library for their display!

Also, is a gallery of all of the photos I took:



How did you like this post? Would you ever give an AG doll away? Have you ever seen AG dolls at the library?

Tell me in the comments!