thoughts on this blog + what would you like to see?

Hey guys! Let me just preface this by saying: I’m not leaving, or switching blogs. And nope, I’m not planning on doing that anytime soon. (you’re stuck with me for quite a while longer šŸ˜‰ XD) But I did want to hop on here today to share a few ideas, and to ask you guys what you want to see on here in the coming months.

So getting into it, I just feel like what I’ve been posting the past few months has been kind of mediocre. Like it has no real trajectory, or purpose. It’s kind of a random jumble of lifestyle, Christian inspirational and fashion, with some blogging tips.

But as I’ve learned over the past 3.5 years, this blog isn’t just about me, it’s about the community. So I want to here from you guys. What do you want to see on here?

Personally, I want to be posting more exciting and better quality content, that you guys look forward to and enjoy reading.

I’m actually thinking to create four basic categories that I’ll frequently post in: Lifestyle (life tips, bedroom tips, etc), Fashion (try on ideas, favorite stores, outfit ideas), Inspirational/Motivational (Christian life tips, favorite Christian resources, etc) and Blogging Tips (how to start a blog as a teen, why blogging is beneficial, etc)

I know I already post occasionally in most of these categories, but I want to deviate away from only “lifestyle posts”, but obviously (since this is a lifestyle blog after all) I won’t be completely getting rid of them.

This week, I’m hoping to redo some of the categories, and also the header menu a little bit.

That kind of brings me to my next point, SP Daily.

It doesn’t get a ton of interaction, and it does take time to post on, and honestly, it’s just a little… strange almost? I mean, its like an Instagram account, just not on Instagram. You know what I mean?

So, currently I’m thinking of stopping posting on it, at least for now. It takes quite a bit of time to regularly post on, and it’s not something I hugely enjoy doing.

Maybe eventually I’ll have another idea for what to do with it, but for right now, I think it’s best to take a break from it.

For my Etsy shop, (don’t worry, I’m not giving up on that too or anything šŸ˜‰ ), I’m planning on redoing all the pictures and adding a bunch of new scrunchies coming this April! Ahh, I’m so excited to start working on it again. But other than just adding new products and updating photos, no huge changes are happening with that.

And last, but not least, for all my email subscribers reading this, I am planning to keep doing my weekly devotional emails the same.

I’m hoping to bring up some more exciting topics in the coming months in those too, so look out! šŸ™‚

I’m also hoping to send more update emails and such, which I still have to figure out the logistics of, but I’m sure that will start happening in the next few months.

And I think that kind of wraps this all up. Below are some polls of my blog post ideas for you guys to vote on, but I think that’s pretty much it.

*all titles subject to change*

Thanks guys for voting! šŸ™‚ Also, thanks for sticking around for this entire post, I know it was looong. šŸ™ˆ

If you guys have any other blog post ideas, I’d love to hear them! Just drop me a comment below!

šŸ’™ Hannah

30 thoughts on “thoughts on this blog + what would you like to see?

  1. Ooh! If youā€™re doing 4 topics, you should aim to do one each month. You know, like 1 lifestyle post per month, 1 fashion post per month…
    Thatā€™s what I (try) to do on my blog. Like, a Bullet Journal post each month, or a writing post each month.

    Also, those posts ideas are awesome! I especially canā€™t wait to see the same shirt for a week challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad for the thought you’re putting into where your blog is headed! I’m looking forward to seeing whatever you decide to post in the future. As for SP Daily, I just wanted to say that I love seeing all the little emails popping up in my inbox, they’re so cute and encouraging! I often take a moment to read them and then delete the emails, maybe not always taking the time to go and like and comment like I would on a longer post, but I appreciate them all the same. I understand completely if it’s too much to run all three of your platforms, but I figured you would like the input šŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ohh! I am so excited for your upcoming posts! šŸ˜€ I took the poll! šŸ™‚ I totally get how doing SP daily could get tiring, I cant wait to see the new scrunchies! šŸ˜€

    -Laura ā¤ šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I totally get all of this. Sometimes you can wonder if your content is “exciting” or something like that. I personally love your blog and it’s content, especially fashion, lifestyle and things in that zone. I took the poll! ā¤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m super excited for your upcoming posts! I’m really hoping for the tips for incoming freshman post because I am/going to be an incoming freshman. I’m also hoping to buy a scrunchie or two when they come out, and I took the poll as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! I do plan on writing several posts like that over the summer! šŸ˜‰ Thanks for taking the poll, and I’m glad you’re excited about the scrunchies! ā¤šŸ˜„


  6. I would love to see some days, more christian/inspirstional posts, and a behind the blog kind of post. Like what goes on behind the posts. Super excited to see the new posts this spring!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Personally, I love the way your blog is, but Iā€™m sure whatever you do with it will be great. Voting in the poll was so hard because I loved all the post ideas šŸ˜„

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Organizing can be so helpful for redirection. Asking God sometimes… becomes my last resource I go to, I hate to say. But when I’ve given Him things blog related He has always been so good to help me. When I dedicated Inside Cup to Him in 2017, I stopped having issues coming up with ideas. Now, I have too many ideas xD so I make sure to write them all down.

    Liked by 2 people

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