Optimizing Your Blog + What Does Cohesive Even Mean? | Blogging 101 Podcast

Hey guys! Have you ever wondered how to begin marketing your blog? How bloggers find keywords that people are actually searching for to use for their posts? Or have you ever wondered how bloggers make their brands (Instagram photos, blog posts, shops, etc.) all the same? Or how they color coordinate it?

In today’s two modules of Blogging 101 podcast, we’re talking about two of my favorite blogging topics: Tags & Keywords and Cohesiveness.

I’m so excited for you guys to listen to these!

Optimizing Your Blog (Tags & Keywords)

What Does Cohesive Even Mean? (Cohesiveness)

I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks module! Next week is the last week of the Blogging 101 Podcast series. I do plan on occasionally making more episodes, but next week is it for the series!


P.S. i have a little poll for u.

I know my photo is unrelated to this whatsoever. I’m lazy, tired and want coffee. thank u unsplash.com

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