Goal Setting Tips For 2019

We’ve Transferred Sites: https://thestripedplaid.wordpress.com

Don’t you just hate it when you feel like you don’t get anything done, day after day after day? It’s super annoying isn’t it? Well I’ve written this post for you my friend! Let’s get into it!

So first let’s tackle why you feel like you aren’t getting anything done. 

  • Maybe you have too many projects?
  • Maybe you don’t have enough to do?
  • Maybe you aren’t exactly sure what you should be doing in order to achieve your goals?
  • Maybe you’ve set goals that aren’t relevant anymore, and you aren’t sure how to change them?

Well this post has answers to all these scenarios and more!

You Have Too Many Projects.

We’ve all done it. You’ve promised to participate in this gift exchange, and that photography challenge, and blogmas, all while you’re trying to (uhh,) write your book.

What is one to do?

Well, first of all I’m glad you’re here, because if you have this problem, you haven’t thought about what time you have, and when you signed up how you totally forgot that  you’re trying to finish your book. (sighs)

You’re going to have decide TODAY what is most important and basically quit the things that don’t fit into your big goal. (which I’ll be talking more about later) Unfortunately, this can be a tricky thing to do. Thankfully, today I’m going to teach you how to effectively goal plan so you won’t have this problem again.

You Don’t Have Enough Projects.

All you do all day is watch YouTube, when you’re supposed to be (umm) editing your book. Your one and only goal is to edit that book. Sure, you edited 1 page earlier this morning. But the entire afternoon has been spent watching YouTube.

You my friend need to find more to do.

Maybe it’s not only watching YouTube, maybe you did also text your friend, and checked your blog.

If you only have one goal, one of two things is going to happen.

  1. Your going to work so hard on this one goal that you’ll eventually get burnt out and stop working on this goal altogether.
  2. Or you’ll work on this goal a little everyday, and spend the rest of the day doing stupid meaningless stuff.

Using the goal system, I’m going to teach you, you’ll effectively be able to goal plan – and get everything you truly want to get done, done!

You Aren’t Sure What You Should Be Doing To Achieve Your Goals

You sound like a very sporadic person. You just edit your book here and there, without ever making any real progress. You need a monthly, then weekly, then daily, (and maybe even hourly?) to-do list, so you are getting what needs to be done DONE.

Believe me, once you start using the goal planning system below

Your Goals Aren’t Relevant.

You set your goals 5 months ago and you’ve decided to grow your blog instead of write a book right now. I’ve been in this situation before and it is difficult.

But there is hope. Lots of it.

It’s actually pretty easy to fix this problem, even though right now it might seem super intimidating. I promise, it’s gonna all seem easier, once I explain.

With my goal planning system, you’re just going to have to re-evaluate your goals. Goals do change. I’d recommend

Now that we’ve talked all about these different scenarios you could be in, let’s talk about how to fix all of them. I’m gonna be going firsthand into my own goals for 2019 to show you this method!

How To Effectively Goal Plan:

Choose 3-5 big goals to focus on this year. They shouldn’t all be about pleasing us either. You should have some “giving goals” as I like to call them. Giving Goals are all about giving back to other people, whether it be raising a certain amount of money as a donation, or offering (valuable) free content on your blog/website, or maybe even starting a ministry.

Here are some of my big goals for 2019:

  1. Release 6 New Collections Throughout The Year. (on Home Decor shop)
  2. Start The Striped Plaid Co. | Apparel.
  3. Write a Motivational Book & Sell 50.
  4. Write A Free Blogging How-To E-book.
  5. Start Living Without A Label & Start motivational blog posts/vlogs.

Now that we’ve set our main goals, we need to write down the projects needed to fulfill these goals.

I’m just going to take two of my goals, because this post would be ridiculously long if I did all 5. But you my friend do need to do this for every one of your goals.

Start The Striped Plaid Co. | Apparel.

Ok, so here are the projects I need to do in order to accomplish this goal:

  • Buy better photography equipment. (studio lights/backdrops)
  • Find a Printing Company.
  • Set up & Brand Etsy Shop.
  • Get 50 products up.
  • Promote Products With Social Media + Launch On Blog + Email List.

Now (you guessed it) we’re going to take each project and break it down into tasks:

Promote Products With Social Media + Launch On Blog + Email List.


  • Write enticing email.
  • Pin listings on Pinterest.
  • Make new Pinterest board + Pinterest board cover.
  • Host giveaway on blog & have people share the shop/giveaway.
  • Host flash sales.

List every single task – for example, I probably wouldn’t forget to design a Pinterest board cover – but who knows? I might. And besides if you ever decide to do another project like this – it will be helpful to see this.

Again I’m not doing each project – just because this post is already almost 1000 words – long enough for both of our own goods. xd

So when do I do these goals?

Don’t worry if this seems like a very cliché answer. This question is probably ringing in your mind right now. Never fear my friend. I’m gonna show you how to break those yearly goals down into quarterly goals, then monthly goals, then weekly goals, then finally, daily goals.

Also, I wouldn’t recommend planning out your entire year all at once – your projects might change as your experience grows throughout the year. Only plan out your first quarter, then once the first quarter ends, you can plan out your second quarter in the same method.

So what’s this amazing method anyway?

Remember back at the beginning of this post? We wrote down the our 5 big goals for 2019. Well now it’s time to break those down into quarterly goals.

Choose 1-2 (or 1.5) goals to work on for your first quarter. I chose releasing 2 new collections & writing a free blogging how-to e-book.

Notice, I didn’t choose my goals for all 4 quarters, just the first one.

Now, break those goals into projects, and then into tasks.

Put those tasks into your weekly planner, and assign tasks for each day.

The great thing is – you can start this right now you don’t have to wait until the end of this quarter to put these goal setting tips into action. You can start today.

Remember this though:

Remember to do something daily that you enjoy! Whether it be hanging out with a friend, going for a walk, baking something, making an ATC….. whatever it is – you don’t want to book yourself so full that you have no time left to do the things that you truly enjoy.

Your goal with these goals is to live your best life, not some half-rated one. If something isn’t working for you, feel free to tweak it as necessary!

Oh and before I leave, I’ll be sharing my actual goals in my 2018 Recap post. So be on the look-out for that post, coming later this month

Hopefully these tips were helpful as you guys are goal-planning for 2019!


Are you a planner? Or more of a sporadic person?

P.S. I know I don’t typically write more informative posts like this. But I did an online course on goal-setting, and thought it would be interesting to share what I learned. 🙂

P.S.S. I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas! I’m hoping to post a Christmas Haul + Adventures post sometime soon!

P.S.S.S. Clara is having a wonderful giveaway that you should totally check out and enter!





47 thoughts on “Goal Setting Tips For 2019

  1. Some great tips, another important one is to use SMART targets (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed) as this will help you track your progress and you’re less likely to give up on them. Great post as usual!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow, this was SO helpful! I love your idea of breaking down the goals into manageable pieces, while also making sure to hold them loosely in case life changes. I can’t wait to use this post for setting my own 2019 goals! Thanks, Hannah! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! This was great!! I’m always looking for ways to help my audience goal plan and reach their goals, so this was some amazing information. What was the course you took? Is it still available?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It was actually a course from Melyssa Griffin, and I’m not sure if it’s still available or not. 😉


  4. Really like this breakdown and explanation of goal setting. I think sometimes we just set to many goals and try to rush through them without fully thinking of what all needs to be done and the commitment of it all. Sometimes it is just better to have a couple big goals to focus your time and attention on then tons of little goals that end up getting you nowhere you want to be.

    Liked by 1 person

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