Import Blog Updates and News! {Please Read}

Hello there friends! Remember that surprise that I first said was announcing in August, then in October…well…I feel like I really owe you guys an explanation about all that. (I’m not leaving or anything, don’t worry) So, here goes:


For a long, long, long time I’ve been wanting to start my own business. Actually I’ve started several business’ over the course of my 13 years of life. Countless yard/garage sales, one jewelry sale, 2 Etsy shops, and a jewelry business where I sold $3 bracelets to my grandma and aunts at birthday parties. (just the thought makes me cringe and laugh at the same time)


So anyway, I’m sure your asking what this has to do with this. (is this confusing or what?) Well, actually a lot.


Once I started blogging in November of 2016, I knew that I wanted to 1) Continue doing so for my entire teenagerhood (is that a word) and into my career life and beyond. 2) Start some type of business online.


This past year I’ve really been thinking about what I want to do. I considered being a professional photographer, but that was only one thing that I liked to do, and what I really like to do is to design and make things, I also like clothes a lot, I always have.


So I’ve decided on (what I think) I want to do. I want to own an fashion and home decor business. (I’m sure they’ll be some jewelry thrown in XD)


After really thinking more about this, I decided to launch my business on Etsy as a home decor business, and eventually make it it’s own company and add fashion to it. Eventually seems like a key word in this. XD


Anyway, I also decided that I needed to start a professional website. That was supposed to happen by August. And now it’s October. I haven’t even begun to research what I need to do to start a website. And due to life circumstances beyond my control, I haven’t had time, and my parents haven’t had a ton of time to help me with this either.


I’m focusing on what I can do, instead of what I can’t do. Right now that’s: Growing my business, finishing my book, doing school, and continuing to blog. Trusting in God’s timing is always best, and right now I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t want be starting my new website just yet.


So that was really long. Sorry about that, I guess I had more to explain then I originally intended. Also, don’t get worried or anything, I’m not leaving (honestly I don’t think that I could ever leave, you guys mean the world to me!)


I guess that was just a really long life/blog update.


Oh, and I just thought of a little bit more:

I’m also starting an email list as a way to (hopefully) gain a larger audience here on my blog. They’ll be a post about that sometime soon!


Right now my plan is to grow my business and finish my book by next summer, then I’ll start the website and transfer everything here, on this current blog over to my new professional one! But plans don’t always seem to go as planned, so hopefully all that will happen before 2020. That’s my hope and goal for the moment.

Thanks so much for reading this guys! I hope you enjoyed the fall photos! 🙂




P.S. I took all those photos of myself on the self-timer on my camera, (I’m pretty proud of them) What do you guys think?  New profile pic? Or do you like the one I have?

(let me know what you think)



P.S.S. Apologies for the lack of featured image Photoshop isn’t working, and I don’t have my fonts anywhere else. :/


49 thoughts on “Import Blog Updates and News! {Please Read}

  1. I am so glad you’re not leaving the blogsphere! 😀 I’m where you’re at too, trying to figure out what I’m good at and perfecting it. I’m a lil discouraged but we’re getting there, we’re getting there. 🙂 You’ve got a great mindset on this, Hannah! Don’t give up, God’s got a plan for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Those are beautiful pictures! I have a shirt just like yours, actually. I hope things work out with your blog and that your business is successful. Are you planning to publish your book?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Ooh, that’s neat! Yes, I’m planning on publishing my book, I’m not sure which company I’ll choose yet, but it’s hopefully getting closer! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh good you’re staying! You got me worried a little bit! I agree on what Jo said in her comment, God’s got a plan for you, it might just take a little bit of time for Him to reveal it to you. And when you get your business up and running, I bet it will be amazing, just like your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ahh, thanks for the update! I’m so glad you are working out (that’s not the phrase I was looking for, but I can’t think of the words… xP) your dream! Can’t wait to see what happens next!
    And those leaves are so pretty! They’re like actual fall colored! *heart eyes* xD
    I am so impressed that you took such nice picture on self timer! They’re beautiful! For some reason, I really like the one with the leaf in front of your face. (Also, I love that shirt!!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You’re 13?! Oh gracious you have a whole life ahead of you sweetheart! You are so intelligent and driven, not to mention you write very eloquently for a teenager, the paths are infinite for you! Best of luck in everything you do, darling. This is only the beginning 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey! A really cool and easy was of getting your book out there is to self publish with KDP (an Amazon company) you can get your book in print and on kindle for free, all amazon do is take a cut of the profit. Hope that helps!

    All the best with your website too! There are loads of great tools online you can use that are so simple and get really professional results, like one is called ‘Wix’, it’s brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I totally understand this, Hannah! Kind of going through the same thing myself, to be honest! In a different way. Anyway, you did such a great job with the self-timer! Good job. I love these pictures, dear!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Cool Hannah i know it’s nov. and i finnaly read all of it!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME i feel bad for it because i just skipped through it before you became my friend an FOLLOWED me i know that sounds bad but it’s the truth its just that i thought shes just one of those people who just read comments and say whatever there just people and i’m a all star but your not so thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, I’m sorry if I have made you feel like this, I certainly haven’t meant it at all! I will say that I do have a super busy schedule, so if I don’t respond/comment right away, please do understand that I’m not ignoring anyone or anything.

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