FREEBIES {Free Printable Posters + Free Printable Scrapbook Paper}

Hello everyone! Spring is in full swing, school almost out, and it’s totally gorgeous outside!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ And as you might have guessed from the title I’ve got a whole bunch of freebies for you guys!

-Freebie Library-

As you might have realized I’ve sort of taken the freebie library in a different direction! It used to be that when you clicked on the freebies page there was 5 free printable posters.
But the posters’ graphics weren’t that great. The graphics were all from other sites, and all in all the posters just weren’t that great. XD XD

Now I’ve got 5 brand new posters, 3 of which are hand painted by myself. All you have to do is click the follow button!

What happens when you do?

Once you subscribe using the button in my sidebar (if you are viewing it on a computer it should be just about right here) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You should receive an email that has the password to the freebie library along with some other info! πŸ˜€ If you are already following me, then just shoot me a quick emailΒ here. And I will send you the password! πŸ™‚ {after checking to make sure you follow me first of course} πŸ˜›

If you want details on how I set it up, just contact me! πŸ™‚

Ahem, the posters!

{want to be awesome? share the below pictures on social media}

Oh Glory Framed

I think this one is my favorite! ^
I am wonderfuly made framed.jpg
Kindness like confetti framed

Stronger framed
Lyrics by NEEDTOBREATH and Lauren Daigle

inspire creativity framed
What do you think of the freebies!

(I’m 100% sure I overused emoji’s in this section.) πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ XD


-Free Scrapbook Paper-

{I’m the queen of freebies today just so you know}

We all know that scrapbooking paper is expensive, right? And we all have out preferences, some people like cardstock while others like basic paper, and even some like textured paper. Well I’ve got a solution for you! I’ve designed some free scrapbook paper that you can print off as many times as you’d like — on whatever you like!

Also these are not on the freebies page, because I didn’t design the graphics. πŸ˜‰

Watercolor scrapbook paper

Cute isn’t it?


Flower scrapbook paper

This one looks so bright and cheery to me! πŸ˜›


I hope you enjoyed those! I’m so excited to announce the winning team of SIL!!! πŸ˜€ Have a wonderful day!


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